Please allow up to 15 working days for your refund to show in your account, from the date we receive your parcel at our warehouse.
If you send back more than one item or parcels, these may not be processed at the same time.
There is no need to contact us. You'll receive an email when your refund has been processed.
We are unable to look into any refund queries until 15 working days have passed.
For returns via post:
- Please keep hold of your proof of returns until your return has been processed and your refund received.
- You will receive a tracking number when you return your order, to see an eye on it's journey back to us.
For returns into a New Look store:
Your refund will be processed to the original payment card, please make sure that the card is present for the refund. The refund will usually show back on the account within 7 working days.
- Please note - If your refund was issued via contactless Apple Pay, you may find that the refund takes a little longer (up to 10 working days), as these are embedded with multiple layers of security to protect you against fraud, which can delay the refund process.
- If you paid by PayPal for your order, our stores are unable to refund via this method, so please return via post.
- If you paid by Gift Voucher in-store, stores can refund to new gift vouchers.
Please note: For any refunds not received within the expected time frames, please contact our friendly Customer Care Team via one of the contact options at the bottom of this page, including your email address and order number/receipt.